💻Download and install AxOS

What you will need

A USB key Or any external drive (minimum 4gb)

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Getting Started

First thing is to flash your external drive with the latest AxOS ISO. You can download it from here.

When you have the iso, flash it:

On Windows: Use Rufus or Etcher to do it easily

On Linux: You can use Etcher as well, or you can do it by command line:

$ sudo dd bs=4M if=path/to/axos.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress oflag=sync
  • Make sure you replace path/to/axos.iso with the AxOS ISO path and sdX with your USB device. (you can find it with the command fdisk -l)

If these steps are clear, you're ready

Boot AxOS

Once you've made the bootable key, you can boot it in your computer. Here are the steps to do it:

  • Shutdown your computer

  • Plug your flashed drive

  • Enter the bios: the method depends on your computer. In most cases, press ESC when booting

  • Select your flashed drive for boot

Done, you booted AxOS !

Install AxOS

Once you have booted into AxOS, you enter into the live environment. You can try AxOS, and when you want to install it, you can use the calamares installer. The installer should pop up at boot. If not, you can type "Install AxOS" in the app launcher.

Follow the steps of the installer for the installation.

Congratulations, you have installed AxOS !

Last updated