🍿Getting Started with AxOS

You now have AxOS installed, you may now wonder what you should do ?

Install needed apps

The most easy method is to use the Discover App Store. It is preinstalled in AxOS and have a large catalogue of apps.

If you don't find the apps you want, you can try using the command line:

Refresh the mirrors databases: sudo pacman -Sy

Update the system: sudo pacman -Su

Install something: sudo pacman -S <app name>

You can check if your app exists with pacman here.

Configurations and settings

You can find an app called System settings. You will find almost every settings you are looking for.*

If you have the "invalid or corrupted packages"

You need to check if pacman keys package is installed: sudo pacman -Q archlinux-keyring

If it is not, install it. Else, init the keyring: sudo pacman-key --init

You now have to sync pacman and update packages: sudo pacman -Syu

Last updated